SIMD ISA | Return Type | Name | Arguments | Instruction Group | |
Helium | int16x8_t | [__arm_]vmulltq_int_m[_s8] | (int16x8_t inactive, int8x16_t a, int8x16_t b, mve_pred16_t p) | Vector arithmetic / Multiply / Multiplication | |
Description Performs an element-wise integer multiplication of two single-width source operand elements. These are selected from either the top half (T variant) or bottom half (B variant) of double-width source vector register elements. The operation produces a double-width result. Results Qd result This intrinsic compiles to the following instructions: VMSR VPST VMULLTT.S8 Argument Preparation inactive register: Qda register: Qnb register: Qmp register: Rp Architectures MVE |
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