SIMD ISAReturn TypeNameArgumentsInstruction Group
Neonuint32x4_tvsha256su1q_u32(uint32x4_t tw0_3, uint32x4_t w8_11, uint32x4_t w12_15)Cryptography / SHA256
SHA256 schedule update 1.
Vd.4S result
This intrinsic compiles to the following instructions:

SHA256SU1 Vd.4S,Vn.4S,Vm.4S

Argument Preparation
tw0_3 register: Vd.4Sw8_11 register: Vn.4Sw12_15 register: Vm.4S
A32, A64



bits(128) operand1 = V[d];
bits(128) operand2 = V[n];
bits(128) operand3 = V[m];
bits(128) result;
bits(128) T0 = operand3<31:0> : operand2<127:32>;
bits(64) T1;
bits(32) elt;

T1 = operand3<127:64>;
for e = 0 to 1
    elt = Elem[T1, e, 32];
    elt = ROR(elt, 17) EOR ROR(elt, 19) EOR LSR(elt, 10);
    elt = elt + Elem[operand1, e, 32] + Elem[T0, e, 32];
    Elem[result, e, 32] = elt;

T1 = result<63:0>;
for e = 2 to 3
    elt = Elem[T1, e - 2, 32];
    elt = ROR(elt, 17) EOR ROR(elt, 19) EOR LSR(elt, 10);
    elt = elt + Elem[operand1, e, 32] + Elem[T0, e, 32];
    Elem[result, e, 32] = elt;

V[d] = result;