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21) NI-700 Creation series - Features Introduced in r2p1 Version

This video shows the features introduced in Socrates 1.6.2 in combination with NI-700 r2p1 version. This includes timing closure report, memory map export/import, multi-selection tool in the paths editor, and new wizard for migrating NI-700 r2p0 to r2p1.

Explore the other videos in the Arm Socrates NI-700 Creation series:

17) NI -700 Creation - Flow Overview
18) NI-700 Creation - Automated Flow
19) NI-700 Creation - Manual Flow
20) NI-700 Creation - Performance Application
21) NI-700 Creation - Features Introduced in r2p1 Version


View the next Arm Socrates video series, CMN-700 Creation Flow.