Success Kits License Deployment Checklist

This page provides instructions to verify that your Success Kit license seats are correctly deployed. To follow the instructions on this page, you will need:

Check the license daemon is up and running

From a terminal, use the command-line application named "lmutil" to check that the license daemon for Arm software is running. In al the following commands and console output excerpts, "7010@C02V21RJHV2R" represents the machine name (C02V21RJHV2R) and the network TCP port number (7010) where the license daemon is waiting for license requests. Replace these values with your own license server name and port number in commands.


lmutil lmstat -vd -c 7010@C02V21RJHV2R


lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2020 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
Wed 2/3/2021 17:37

Vendor daemon status (on C02V21RJHV2R):

    armlmd: UP v11.17.2

The output highlighted in red confirms that the Arm software license daemon (armlmd) is up and running. Note the version of the license daemon is also reported in the output (v11.17.2). Arm recommend you use the latest version available from Please notify your license administrator if you find the license daemon is running an earlier version than the latest available.

Check the Success Kit license seats have been deployed

Use the command-line application named "lmutil" to report how many seats of the Hardware Success Kit or the Software Success Kit have been deployed on a license server. As before, "7010@C02V21RJHV2R" represents the machine name ("C02V21RJHV2R") and the network port number (7010) where the license daemon is waiting for license requests, and you must replace these with your own machine name and port number.

For Hardware Success kit licenses, run:

lmutil lmstat -i HWSKT -c 7010@C02V21RJHV2R

Software Success Kit licenses, run:

lmutil lmstat -i SWSKT -c 7010@C02V21RJHV2R


lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2020 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
Wed 2/3/2021 17:50

NOTE: lmstat -i does not give information from the server,
     but only reads the license file.  For this reason, 
     lmstat -a is recommended instead.

Feature                         Version     #licenses    Vendor        Expires
_______                         _________   _________    ______        ________
HWSKT                           99.99        1           armlmd        02-feb-2022

The output highlighted in red below shows that a single seat of the Hardware Success Kit has been deployed on the license server. Note the license expiry date is also reported in this command's output. You may notice that the HWSKT version is 99.99 while the version of the SWSKT is 99.9. This is normal.

If no feature is returned, the license server has no seats of that type.

Check what other license features are present on the license server

Use the command-line application named "lmutil" to report all license features deployed on a license server.


lmutil lmstat -i -c 7010@C02V21RJHV2R

The following output corresponds to a license server holding one seat of the Hardware Success Kit and one seat of the Software Success Kit:

lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2020 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
Wed 2/3/2021 17:49

NOTE: lmstat -i does not give information from the server,
     but only reads the license file.  For this reason, 
     lmstat -a is recommended instead.

Feature                         Version     #licenses    Vendor        Expires
_______                         _________   _________    ______        ________
SKT_LEGACY_COMPILER             99.9         1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
SKT_LEGACY_COMPILER             99.99        1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
SKT_LEGACY_MDK                  99.9         1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
SKT_LEGACY_MDK                  99.99        1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
HWSKT                           99.99        1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
SWSKT                           99.9         1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
FVP_ARM_AEMv8M                  99.9         1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
FVP_ARM_AEMv8M                  99.99        1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
FVP_ARM_Cortex-A73              99.9         1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
CM_ARM_PL301                    99.99        1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
CM_ARM_Runtime                  99.99        1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
CM_ARM_SYSTEM_LIB               99.99        1           armlmd        02-feb-2022
socrates                        99.99        1           armlmd        02-feb-2022

For conciseness, lines in the middle of the list have been removed and replaced with … The command otherwise returns all license features, sorted alphabetically (with capital letters first), starting with package names at the top (e.g. SKT_LEGACY_COMPILER), then individual features (e.g. FVP_ARM_AEMv8M)

If your terminal window is too small to hold the entire output, you should redirect the command's output to a file and review the file's content instead. To redirect the command's output to a file named "all_features.txt", execute the following line:

lmutil lmstat -i -c 7010@C02V21RJHV2R > all_features.txt

Check the output, looking for features which:

  • have the same name but do not have 99.9 or 99.99 as their version
  • have the same name but a different expiry date than the HWSKT or SWSKT packages
  • have the same name but come in different quantity than HWSKT or SWSKT packages

If you have any such features, they will compete with features delivered with your Hardware Success kit or Software Success Kit license, making usage reporting or troubleshooting more complex. In doubt, please contact your Arm support representative for guidance, supplying the list of features.

Emulate a license checkout

Use the command-line application named "armlmdiag" to check a license feature out as Arm development tools would. This will confirm that the license feature can be successfully checked out, and will report additional information about this license feature.

The following command emulates a license checkout for a Cortex-R82 Cycle Model:

armlmdiag -L 7010@C02V21RJHV2R -f CM_ARM_Cortex-R82 -v 0.1


[18:23:20]  License location is '7010@C02V21RJHV2R'.
[18:23:20]  Checking out CM_ARM_Cortex-R82 (1 licenses) ...
[18:23:20]  Checkout done.
[18:23:20]  Running time: 53 milliseconds.

Feature Information                                                         
Type:                   INCREMENT                                           
Feature:                CM_ARM_Cortex-R82                                   
Version:                99.99                                               
Expiry date:            02-feb-2022                                         
Max number of users:    1                                                   
Issuer:                 Arm Limited                                         
Notice:                 HARDWARE SUCCESS KIT FL TERM (HWSKT-LC-0001)        
Serial Number:          LM02255-145723-1016848754                           
DUP_GROUP:              USER (Requests from the same user don't consume     
                        additional licenses).
SUITE_DUP_GROUP:        USER (Requests from the same user don't consume     
                        additional licenses).

The output highlighted in red reports that the license feature came from the Hardware Success Kit pool and has been configured as a user-based license. If you do not have a Hardware Success Kit license seat available, the check out would expectedly fail.

The following command emulates a license checkout for a Cortex-X1 Fast Model.

armlmdiag -L 7010@C02V21RJHV2R -f SG_ARM_Cortex-X1_CT -v 0.1


[18:25:19]  License location is '7010@C02V21RJHV2R'.
[18:25:19]  Checking out SG_ARM_Cortex-X1_CT (1 licenses) ...
[18:25:19]  Checkout done.
[18:25:19]  Running time: 52 milliseconds.

Feature Information                                                         
Type:                   INCREMENT                                           
Feature:                SG_ARM_Cortex-X1_CT                                 
Version:                99.9                                                
Expiry date:            02-feb-2022                                         
Max number of users:    1                                                   
Issuer:                 Arm Limited                                         
Notice:                 SOFTWARE SUCCESS KIT FL TERM (SWSKT-LC-0001)        
Serial Number:          LM02259-145724-1472987786                           
DUP_GROUP:              USER (Requests from the same user don't consume     
                        additional licenses).
SUITE_DUP_GROUP:        USER (Requests from the same user don't consume     
                        additional licenses).

Again, the output highlighted in red reports that the license feature came from the Software Success Kit pool and has been configured as a user-based license. If you do not have a Software Success Kit license seat available, the checkout will:

  • either succeed, by taking the license feature from the Hardware Success Kit, if available (in which case the Notice line in red will be different)
  • fail otherwise 

The Hardware Success Kit includes all license features from the Software Success Kit. When both kits are available, features from the Software Success Kit are checked out first.

If in your output, the Notice or the DUP_GROUP/SUITE_DUP_GROUP lines are dissimilar, then you are not checking license features from your Success Kit license pools. Please contact your Arm support representative for further guidance.

Verify host or user access restrictions

It is possible to restrict access to license features based on usernames or hostnames. This configuration is made on the license server, using an "options file" (please refer to the FlexNet Publisher Administration Guide PDF document included in License Server Management Software archive for more details)

If access restrictions have been configured, you can check they apply correctly by using the armlmdiag command-line application again.

Assuming the options file contains the following directives:

# Define a group named HWSK_USERS with users bob, fred and kathy
GROUP HWSK_USERS bob fred kathy

# Only users from group HWSK_USERS can check out feature HWSKT

And assuming the username is not bob, fred or kathy, the previous command to emulate a license feature checkout for a Cortex-R82 Cycle Model now fails with the following error message:

armlmdiag -L 7010@C02V21RJHV2R -f CM_ARM_Cortex-R82 -v 0.1


[11:56:19]  License location is '7010@C02V21RJHV2R'.
[11:56:19]  Checking out CM_ARM_Cortex-R82 (1 licenses) ...
Error: User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature. (-39,147)