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<p>Where does the 9 regions supported by the TZC-400 are present and the source from where the AXI-low power signals are connected to TZC-400</p><div style="clear:both;"></div>
I am trying to implement L2 ECC for A72 core and its notification. ... And L2 ECC system generates two error signals ... nEXTERRIRQ and nINTERRIRQ, ... I assume , nINTERRIRQ will be generated in case of double bit error.
I enabled the Received Data Available interrupt on uart0 peripheral but I don't understand how to catch it and register the IRO to an ISR. ... The uart0_IRQ's GIC interrupt number is 140. ... Could you please help me about that?
#progblem ... I can't generate M85 subsystem. ... But I already download m85 ip package and r1p0 bounld successful. ... Can anyone help me to slove this problem ?
I have a function that generates an UsageFault exception for test: ... UsageFault_Trigger_UnalignedAccess(void)
<p>Why is the ACELS interface of the R82 prohibited from non-modifiable bursts?</p><div style="clear:both;"></div>
I'm facing a problem that the core runs on the NVM at first, then jump to the RAM code to do some operation for the same partition of the NVM. ... After the operation (code on the RAM) is completed, back the NVM for the following code execution.
In virtualization scenarios, we can customize CPU features to implement some HV functions to improve VM performance or stability.
I am using a STM32F4 series board with Arm Cortex M4 processor to develop a simple scheduler for learning purposes. ... I have a code snippet where I first set up the stack start location for a task, and then initialize PSP (stack pointer) to its very first location, and then manually fill the stack with some values as follows:
The interrupt is handled by the following order: ... 1. save context ... 2. read ICC_IAR0, get INTID ... 3. jump to ISR of the associated INTID ... 4. write ICC_EOIR0 ... 5. restore context ... The IRQ is unmasked before writing ICC_EOIR0.