Arm Unreal Optimization Resources 

The Unreal game engine is a highly popular development environment used to create high-fidelity games and applications across multiple platforms. Arm works closely with Unreal, acting as a champion for optimal performance on mobile platforms both through runtime efficiency and profiling.

Game developers can use Arm Performance Studio to profile, debug, and optimize games using the Unreal engine. Refer to our best practices and sample code for artists and developers to help maximize performance.

Unreal Best Practices

Developer Best Practices

The following best-practice guide is for developing and optimizing Android games for Arm GPUs. The guide contains best practices for using the Vulkan API effectively on arm GPUs, together with the do’s and don’ts of the API.

Artists’ Best Practices for Unreal Engine Developers

Optimizing game artwork is essential for getting the most out of Arm GPUs. The following best practices help artists design highly performant artwork and calculate reasonable asset budgets for mobile.

Developer Tools for Unreal Games on Android

Use the Android Game Development Extension (AGDE) for Visual Studio to add Android as a target platform in your existing Visual C++ game projects. The instructions on how to use it are in this blog for Android development with Unreal Engine.

Profiling and debugging Unreal Games

Free performance-insight tools from Arm help improve the Unreal game experience. Arm Performance Studio helps game developers quickly find the cause of frame rate drops, and performance bottlenecks, which might slow down the game, drain battery, or overheat the device.

Use Arm Performance Studio to profile and debug your Unreal games on mobile platforms.


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